
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2017

yohimbe bark extract

well, this looks interesting. (laughter.) what's happening here? we are not baking or cooking today. we are making a wonderful cream, yohimbe bark extract, a hand cream, but also a cream that should belong in everybody's first aid kit for helping with bruises and, you know, all kinds of things. not for open wounds, but for, they are very good for bruises and inflammations, and for rough hands, you know, where people. okay. yeah, things like that, okay. yeah. so, this here, we did yesterday, i took two cups of jojoba oil. yeah. which is anti-inflammatory, is good for eczema, psoriasis, you know, things like that, and is used quite a bit in the cosmetics industry, jojoba oil. mm hm. so i took two cups and i put in a handful of calendula, which is anti-inflammatory, a little bit antiviral. it's a wonderful herb. also... are they flowers? they are flowers, yes. okay. it's a marigold type. not in, doesn't belong to the family of the marigolds, but it looks like it. okay....

watermelon viagra

in today's video we will learn how to make watermelon lemonade. ingredients required are: 1 kg watermelon. 3-4 lemons. 4-5 tablespoons sugar. to start with, first cut the watermelon in small pieces. watermelon viagra, to cut the watermelon properly first cut it into slices of 1 to 1.5 inches thickness. take out only the pink flesh of watermelon and not the white part of the rind. now cut the pink part into small wedges. now take out the juice of lemons and keep it ready to use. be careful to remove all the seeds of the lemon or it will bitter the taste of our lemonade. now combine all the ingredients in the blender jar and blend it into fine paste. now strain the mixture through a sieve. this is an important step to follow or the texture of the lemonade will that be of a smoothie. discard what is left in the sieve. you may now add water to adjust the taste of the lemonade. watermelon lemonade is ready to be served. garnish the glass with watermelon or lemon wedges. you may also put...

treatment for erectile dysfunction

[ music ] >> the jama network. [ silence ] >> like others who have struggled with drugaddiction, michael mccrorkin [phonetic] was no stranger to hospital emergency departments. treatment for erectile dysfunction, >> i was literally just enslaved to my addition,and it was awful. >> these patients often seek care in the emergencydepartment. and often are just turned away, and not directed to treatment. >> doctors gail d'onofrio and david felinefrom the yale school of medicine, and co-authors, enrolled 329 patients with opioid dependencefrom the emergency department at yale new haven hospital. one group received a referralto drug treatment. the second group underwent a brief intervention, and referral to treatment.the third group was started on buprenorphine, a medication that helps ease withdrawal symptomsand drug cravings. this group also followed up in primary care for maintenance therapy. >> once they came to the primary care center,we ...

treatment for ed

penile injection is one option for erectiledysfunction following treatment for prostate cancer. penile injections are for patients who sufferfrom erectile dysfunction. for the most part, we start treatment for erectile dysfunctionwith medicine such as viagra, cialis, and levitra, but often times these medicationswon't work. if they don't work, a man has treatment for ed, different options. one of those options ispenile injection. there is a medicine that we inject that causes a vaso-dilation andforces blood into the penis, causing an erection. the benefit of this is that it only workswhen it is used, and there is the sense of tumescence, the sense of rigidity, the senseof feeling the penis fill with blood, which is part of the sensation of arousal that makesit more natural than some of the other treatments for erectile dysfunction. the downside, ofcourse, is you have to use a small needle, and it is a small needle. the cost is usuallycheaper than the medication, the pills that ...

testosterone supplements side effects

(intro music) what's up guys this is tyler d from muscle researchand today i am bringin you some more products we got premium powders, this is oneof premium powders' extreme products test infusion now lets talk about this bad boy this thing has a multi-level formula, lets go over it testosterone supplements side effects, its got a hormonal support complex which contains d-aspartic acid and tribulous what these are going to do is they are going to help you harness thefree testosterone in your body that your not utilizing it has a liver support complex, that will be nac and milk thistle and those are very popular liver support ingredients it has cardiovascular support complex with hawthorn berry, celery seed, and grape seed extract last but not least it has a prostate support complex which is really cool because i do not see that in a lot of test boosting products what are the effects? lets go over em' one you're gonna be on the prowl i'mtalking on the prowl ladies wa...

symptoms of ed

if you're looking for some easy sex positions but still wanna make her orgasm and give her some amazing sexual experiences then you'll wanna watch this entire video right now some people think that just symptoms of ed, because a specific sex position is easy it's not effective or capable of leading to massive pleasure for the both of you this simply isn't true you're about to learn two very easy sex positions and also some very simple tricks and tips to make them a lot more stimulating easy sex position number one the classic missionary now don't skip off to the next one here because you're about to learn how to make it fun many women love this one due to the intimacy and the connection that it allows for you can stare deeply into each other's eyes talk romantically to one another and it really is a great way to get some feedback because you can't avoid her expressions or the moans that she makes and this position is also great for clitoral stimulati...

prosthetic penis

jinx here for complex news. it's friday, sowe bout to talk about freaky shit. a british woman is on trial for allegedlyusing facebook, blindfolds, and a prosthetic penis to trick her female best friend intobelieving that she was a man, in order to have sex with her. multiple times. back in 2011, 25-year-old gayle newland allegedlytook to facebook and posed as a man named prosthetic penis, kye fortune. newland, using the faux-profile,soon began an online relationship with a woman who eventually became a close friend of hers.newland, posing as kye, described herself as a half-filipino, half-latino male who'dbeen in a car accident and was later diagnosed with a brain tumor. thing began to heat up between the two onlineand eventually evolved beyond facebook. the two began a phone and online relationshiplasting two years. at this point they were a "couple." the plaintiff described fortune's—thatis, newland's—voice as high pitched and that newland manipulated he...

penis vacuum pump

there is currently no cure for peyronie'sdisease but there are number of treatment options. the most popular non-surgical peyronie'streatments today include oral medication, injections, and traction is important to remember that what works well for one peyronie's patients may not workfor another. and that no treatment for peyronie's can guarantee full recovery, or significantimprovements. penis vacuum pump, there are many oral peyronie's treatmentsavailable, ranging from supplements to over-the-counter as well as prescribed medicines. oral treatmentis a non-invasive and convenient option, but taking any drugs includes some risk of sideeffects. the most popular oral treatments today, inalphabetical order, are: carnitine, colchicine, l-arginine, pentoxifylline, potaba, tamoxifenand vitamin e. studies have shown that some work better thanother do, and some may not work at all. injecting medication is more invasive andriskier than taking oral medication, but ...

penis injections

penile injection is one option for erectiledysfunction following treatment for prostate cancer. penile injections are for patients who sufferfrom erectile dysfunction. for the most part, we start treatment for erectile dysfunctionwith medicine such as viagra, cialis, and levitra, but often times these medicationswon't work. if they don't work, a man has penis injections, different options. one of those options ispenile injection. there is a medicine that we inject that causes a vaso-dilation andforces blood into the penis, causing an erection. the benefit of this is that it only workswhen it is used, and there is the sense of tumescence, the sense of rigidity, the senseof feeling the penis fill with blood, which is part of the sensation of arousal that makesit more natural than some of the other treatments for erectile dysfunction. the downside, ofcourse, is you have to use a small needle, and it is a small needle. the cost is usuallycheaper than the medication, the pills that ...

penis injection

researchers in india have been and doinga trial of eight new type of birth control for men now this birth controlis reversible so it's different from the site to be uh... and what basically happens is and guys willget penis injection, of very questionable injection an injection it destroys their sperm and believe it or not dot projection isreversible so let me tell you more about it it's known as reversible innovationof sperm under guidance so is referring to good because it's not and the weightof the process works as a doctor apply some local anesthetic they got makes a small cable in the basis forautumn reaches in with a pair of the reason for sent samples out the small white bast efforts to you then the doctor injects the polymer gelcalled vassal gel pushes the vast differenceback inside repeats the process for other bestefforts puts a band and all the small call and the man is on his way now with and um... about a few hours ofthis injection a man can have unprotected se...

penis erection

erectile dysfunction (ed), also known as impotence,is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection for satisfactory sexual activity. erectile dysfunction is different from otherconditions that interfere with male sexual intercourse, such as lack of sexual desire(decreased libido) and problems with ejaculation and orgasm (ejaculatory dysfunction). penis erection, ed affects about 50% of men aged 40 and over. this article focuses on the evaluation andtreatment of erectile dysfunction. what are erectile dysfunction symptoms andsigns? symptoms of erectile dysfunction may includethe following: • penile erection occurs but it is not maintainedfor the length of sexual activity • penile erection that is not firm enoughto penetrate the vagina • inability to obtain a penile erection what is normal penis anatomy? the penis contains two chambers, called thecorpora cavernosa, which run the length of the upper side of the penis . the urethra,which is the channel for urine and ejaculate, run...

penis ejaculation

hey and welcome to another video from today we're talking about the issue ofpremature ejaculation and we will talk about the cock cage as a way of slowing down andmaking a guy last longer before he has an orgasm very simple and perfectly safe unlike pills and sprays flexible silicone design penis ejaculation, this slips on to the penis and stops most of the direct pressure and sensation from the vaginal walls which is absorbed by the cage the covering means that the penis receives less stimulation and therefore the man lasts longer before he ejaculates quick and easy to apply cock cage is on when the penis is inserted this device takes most of the pressure from the vaginal walls aos there is less direct pressure on the penis therefore man won't ejaculate as fast very simple invention very effective how to last longer and prevent premature ejaculation from

penile pump

i am going to discuss erectile dysfunctioncommonly known as impotence following prostate cancer treatments and as well as treatmentoptions available to patients. impotence is a common side effect of manyprostate cancer treatments. treatments for impotence include a wide variety from minimallyinvasive standpoint which usually starts our course with medical therapies which includeoral therapies or medications, and range from penile pump, injection therapies, intraurethral suppositoriesand also include penile pumps as well as the last option would be a penile prosthesis andi will discuss each of these in particular detail. particularly starting with oral phosphodiesteraseinhibitors which the three most common medications include viagra, levitra and cialis have beencommonly used and many men are quite familiar with utilizing these agents for treatmentof erectile dysfunction unrelated to prostate cancer treatments. quite often, many patientsdo come to my office requesting some form of what ...

penile injections

penile injection is one option for erectiledysfunction following treatment for prostate cancer. penile injections are for patients who sufferfrom erectile dysfunction. for the most part, we start treatment for erectile dysfunctionwith medicine such as viagra, cialis, and levitra, but often times these medicationswon't work. if they don't work, a man has penile injections, different options. one of those options ispenile injection. there is a medicine that we inject that causes a vaso-dilation andforces blood into the penis, causing an erection. the benefit of this is that it only workswhen it is used, and there is the sense of tumescence, the sense of rigidity, the senseof feeling the penis fill with blood, which is part of the sensation of arousal that makesit more natural than some of the other treatments for erectile dysfunction. the downside, ofcourse, is you have to use a small needle, and it is a small needle. the cost is usuallycheaper than the medication, the pills that...

penile injection

Penile injections are one of the options for erectiledysfunction following treatment for prostate cancer. And also as an alternative you can use hajar jahanam For that matter. Penis injections for patients suffering from erectile dysfunction. For the most part, we started treatment for erectile dysfunction with drugs like viagra, cialis, and levitra, but often the drug did not work. If they do not work, someone has Sarankan edit penile injection, different options. one of those options ispenile injection. there is a medicine that we inject that causes a vaso-dilation andforces blood into the penis, causing an erection. the benefit of this is that it only workswhen it is used, and there is the sense of tumescence, the sense of rigidity, the senseof feeling the penis fill with blood, which is part of the sensation of arousal that makesit more natural than some of the other treatments for erectile dysfunction. the downside, ofcourse, is you have to use a small needle, and it i...

penile implants

i'm dr. tariq hakky, the director of men's health georgia in atlanta. my surgical specialty is placing penile implants, performing vasectomy reversals, and sperm aspirations. many patients find our clinic using theinternet or through traditional means by using their primary care provider. themain issue that i come across is that many insurance companies do not cover certainmedical conditions or surgeries that may penile implants, potentially cure them. this is bothfrustrating for the provider and the patient. since becoming a surgeo surgeon, i'veincreased my visibility by creating a new front from which patients can potentially find me. i have treated patients from as far away as costa rica andjapan. the opportunity to create a cash based surgical option has eliminatedadministrative minutiae, avoided hidden costs, and there are no crazy billingcodes, along with quicker payment. with the transparency, this puts me in aposition to deliver quality care and puts me w...

natural viagra

viagra.. who hasn’t heard of this blue littlepill, right? it is said to magically give a man erections that last for hours .. andnot just this. it may actually also give you a blurred vision,diarrhea, allergic reactions, painful erections, rashes, and many more not so amazing sideeffects including death. so if you decide to take the red pill keepon watching and i ll show you a super powerful natural viagra, recipe to make natural here s what you ll need.. a quarter organic watermelon.a half beetroot one lime (or lemon)one teaspoon maca one pinch of cayenne and if you want an extra boost addpumpkin seeds so we are going to make a smoothie. i callit the superman smoothie. and it’s packed with nature’s most powerful viagra likesubstances. so.. let’s get it started. you’ll needof course a blender. and your base ingredient an organic watermelon. now let’s cut this baby.. watermelon is known to be mother natures viagra.this is because it contains the amino acid citrulli...

natural remedies

natural remedies for ear infection ear infections are caused by bacteria or virusesin the middle ear. ear infections occur more often in children than adults. some causes and contributing factors thatlead to ear infections are wax buildup, upper respiratory infections, food allergies, environmentalallergies, genetics, nutritional deficiencies natural remedies, and internal injuries. some common signs that someone is sufferingfrom an ear infection are pain in the ear, tugging at the ear, difficulty sleeping, headache,poor response to sounds, high fever and fluid draining from the ear. the ear is made up of three parts: outer,middle and inner. an ear infection can occur in any of the three parts. inner ear infectionsare the most serious. it is important to treat an ear infectionto prevent complications, including damaging or rupturing the ear drum. there are many time-honored, simple and easyhome remedies that can help to get rid of the pain and other symptoms of an ear infection. 1. sal...

natural cure for ed

hey guys, paul from ultimatefatburner here,and today i'm going to hit you up with 7 quick facts about the amino acid and nitric oxide supplement arginine. as usual, if you want to learn more or to reviewthe clinical references we've used to compile these facts, you can find the links in the descriptionunder this video. i'll be right back in about 10 seconds - don'tgo anywhere! natural cure for ed, alright welcome back. let's get into our facts. number 1. arginine is a precursor to the gas nitricoxide. nitric oxide production causes vasodilation, or simply, it dilates the arteries and the blood vessels in the body. 2. the clinical data supporting arginine'seffects as a sports performance enhancing supplement is conflicting and contradictoryat this time. 3. the more you use arginine, the less effectiveit becomes. that's because regular usage ramps up the activity of an enzyme called arginasewhich breaks down arginine, thus leaving less of it available for no ...

impotent cause

welcome to moomoomath, and types of decomposers. in this video i would like to look at severaltypes of decomposers. a decomposer is an organism that breaks downdead or decaying organisms. decomposers help recycycle matter in an ecosystemby breaking down dead or decaying organisms. take a look at this decaying banana. impotent cause, decomposers are heterotrophs which mean theyuse other organisms to get their energy,carbon, and other nutrients for growth and development. we will focus on four main types of decomposers. fungiinsects wormsbacteria fungi break down and recycle organic materialby predigesting. fungi produce enzymes that break down anddigest decaying and dead matter and then absorb this material. this process depends on water so most fungiare found in moist areas. check out these fungi. worms are also decomposers. they play an important role in producing oursoil. earthworms help decompose organic material,and help make nutrients like phospate more readily available. bacteria...

impotance causes

tonight, the omaha public school district is asking parents impotance causes, to, once again, weigh-in to the heated debate about sex-ed. the district is considering adding new classes to the current sex-ed curriculum, which hasn't been changed in 30 years. and now -- there's a survey online for parents to fill out, asking if they think lessons on sexual orientation, contracep tion, and gender identity should be included. but as wowt 6 news reporter brandon scott reports, the new survey is raising some concerns. i am very worried and apprehensive about this particular. as the mother of an ops kindergar tener, sofia jawed-wessel supports the proposed changes to school's 30 year-old sex- ed curriculm. she was one of the more than one thousand people who attended this contentious ops school board meeting last week, where district officials hoped to have a dialogue with parents about adding lessons on tion, sexual and gender identity. but instead of discussion, there was chaos....

how does viagra work

vigrx plus reviews @ vigrx plus reviews from real users (just afew): "i have even recommended it to friends..." increase in length and girth... this productworks! i have even recommended it to friends. vigrx plus just plain works! it does whatyou say it does... i know because i have tried how does viagra work, them all. your product produces! -patrick white, atlanta, georgia click to enlarge the image "my companion knows i am there now..." my girth has increased along with my climaxcapacity... my companion knows that i am there now! we have been together for 5 years now.i guess old things get boring... but new things bring excitement! yeah! -carl d. ingram, luling, louisiana "for as long as i desire..." i can get a very strong erection for as longas i desire... better orgasms... and it acted when i wanted it to! -marco gonzalez, minnesota "my girlfriend noticed and she was amazed..." i have been using vigrx...

erection problems

Please answer the following questions: How many times have you avoided having sex with a woman you like, just because you are not sure if you can have an erection or premature ejaculation. Especially premature ejaculation you can use hajar hell contained in the website . Attention, please. Do not ask how many times you fail to erect, I ask how many times you avoid sex at all. And how many women in your life do you decide is not topursue, because you're not sure if you can. erection problems, get it up. if you suffer from sexualperformance anxiety then it is probably a lot of women.. infact, millions of men self sabotage their relationship with women due toperformance anxiety and you are about to learn why. problems begin when a mantries to make a woman to like him. these days a lot of men, on one side, try tobe like by women, and on the other side, they are afraid to lose value in theireyes. the need to be liked by a woman may notbe so o...