prosthetic penis

jinx here for complex news. it's friday, sowe bout to talk about freaky shit. a british woman is on trial for allegedlyusing facebook, blindfolds, and a prosthetic penis to trick her female best friend intobelieving that she was a man, in order to have sex with her. multiple times. back in 2011, 25-year-old gayle newland allegedlytook to facebook and posed as a man named

prosthetic penis

prosthetic penis, kye fortune. newland, using the faux-profile,soon began an online relationship with a woman who eventually became a close friend of hers.newland, posing as kye, described herself as a half-filipino, half-latino male who'dbeen in a car accident and was later diagnosed with a brain tumor.

thing began to heat up between the two onlineand eventually evolved beyond facebook. the two began a phone and online relationshiplasting two years. at this point they were a "couple." the plaintiff described fortune's—thatis, newland's—voice as high pitched and that newland manipulated her, saying: “he was saying how much i had helped himget through his illness." and: "[he said] it was a sign, we should get married,we should have kids, we were going to do all sorts of things.“ during this period, the plaintiff claimedshe also met newland as she is in the real

world, as a 25-year-old woman. the two soonbecame best friends, and newland admitted that she knew kye. i mean of course she did...she is kye. the two eventually set up a meeting in 2013. in court, the former best-friend, now-plaintiff,explained that newland, acting as kye fortune, had her a wear a blindfold for their firstsexual encounter under the pretense that the fabricated male was self-conscious about thescars and damage done as a result of the car accident he was supposedly in. the independent described the encounter: "she entered the room and was greeted to abed covered in rose petals and stuffed hello

kitty plush toys. while fortune prepped inthe bathroom, she put on a sleeping mask and scarf. she described fortune as 'shaking'when approaching her. after the relationship was consummated, he said he had to sign himselfback into a manchester hospital. the relationship continued after more sexual encounters inhotel rooms until fortune finally visited her apartment." it was at the plaintiff's home, after severalmasked sexual meet-ups that she finally learned the truth. "when i was having sex, i grabbed for theback of his head and my hand got caught on something. it did not feel right."

"i was sat on the bed, he was standing up.something in my mind said, 'pull [the blindfold] off, pull it off'.... gayle was just standingthere. straight away, she held her hand down over her face and said, 'it's not what youthink.'" not what she thinks? apparently the then-revealednewland attempted to explain the events by referring to the zac efron movie '17 again,'in which two characters swap bodies and have to get others to realize they're who theyreally are. needless to say, the plaintiff was shocked,stating: "i couldn't believe that person would wantto do something like this to me...these last two years had fabricated this world aroundme."

"he pulled the wool over my eyes. i don'tgo for women, that is not my thing." think about that. the person she believedto be her heterosexual boyfriend for years, was actually her female best friend. whomshe discovered was gay, after her deceptive friend tricked her into having sex with afake penis. and then tried to explain the treachery by referencing a zac efron moviefrom 2009. in addition to the fake penis, the plaintiffalso donned bandages, a swimsuit and hat to help maintain her ruse. and of course, she'spleading not guilty to five counts of sexual assault, claiming that the sex was consensual,and that her former best-friend was a closeted lesbian.

the deceived best friend has taken part ofthe responsibility for this insane tale, stating that she felt: "a bit daft looking back on it. it's partlymy fault for being so needy, so stupid." this is easily one of the craziest catfishingincidents i've ever heard about. outside of that, i dunno what to say here. uhh.. i dunno.don't engage in online relationships with people you haven't met. and for those of youout here deceiving others, i've only got one message for you.


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