impotance causes

tonight, the omaha public school district is asking parents

impotance causes

impotance causes, to, once again, weigh-in to the heated debate about sex-ed.

the district is considering adding new classes to the current sex-ed curriculum, which hasn't been changed in 30 years.

and now -- there's a survey online for parents to fill out, asking if they think lessons on sexual orientation,

contracep tion, and gender identity should be included. but as wowt 6 news reporter brandon scott

reports, the new survey is raising some concerns. i am very worried and apprehensive about this particular. as the mother

of an ops kindergar tener, sofia jawed-wessel supports the proposed changes to school's 30 year-old sex-

ed curriculm. she was one of the more than one thousand people who attended this contentious ops school

board meeting last week, where district officials hoped to have a dialogue with parents about adding lessons on

tion, sexual and gender identity. but instead of discussion, there was chaos. i would hate for the voice of

parents to be overshadowed once again by individuals who are louder and who show up en mass, whether it's to a forum or whether it's

digitally online. while a previous pen- and-paper survey required parents to list their names, along with

their children's names and schools, the new digital survey is anonymous. and jawed- wessel

worries the anonominity could lead to inaccurate results. you don't have to confirm your child's name, or your physical

address, do you live in the ops district, it just says, "which district do you live in?" and we're assuming that this person is going to be

honest the district plans to use the survey results as it determines if, how, and when to add new sex-ed lessons

in classes called "human growth and development." nadine reyes teaches human development at burke high school.

it is talking about relationships and peer influences and how to stick to your own values and what's important to you, accepting people for who they are

so that we're tolerant of one another, and then now we're getting into the anatomy part of it. and then we'll move into abstinence, family

planning, and stds since some of the sexual subject matter can be a bit uncomfort able, reyes uses an

unconven tional teaching tool. humor. makes it a little bit easier for everybody. 41.49 do you know any good reproductive

jokes? not that i could say on tv. and how well do kids handle this topic? they handle it so much better than people think they do

now we walk you through this survey. you can find it online on the schools webpage. you'll see a big

banner that looks like this. once you click it and answer a few quick, anonymous questions like whether you're an ops

parent, you'll then see the curriculum questions. the questions are separated by grade level, and then by topic.

for instance, this question asks xxxxxxxxx. you can either agree, disagree, or stay neutral, and there's

even a spot to add comments. malorie, i'll be back at 630 with another look at this survey - and another look inside that sex

ed classroom


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