natural viagra

viagra.. who hasn’t heard of this blue littlepill, right? it is said to magically give a man erections that last for hours .. andnot just this. it may actually also give you a blurred vision,diarrhea, allergic reactions, painful erections, rashes, and many more not so amazing sideeffects including death. so if you decide to take the red pill keepon watching and i ll show you a super powerful

natural viagra

natural viagra, recipe to make natural here s what you ll need.. a quarter organic watermelon.a half beetroot one lime (or lemon)one teaspoon maca one pinch of cayenne

and if you want an extra boost addpumpkin seeds so we are going to make a smoothie. i callit the superman smoothie. and it’s packed with nature’s most powerful viagra likesubstances. so.. let’s get it started. you’ll needof course a blender. and your base ingredient an organic watermelon. now let’s cut this baby.. watermelon is known to be mother natures viagra.this is because it contains the amino acid citrulline which is known to relax and dilateblood vessels and thus improve blood flow to your penis. and since your penis is madeprimarily from blood vessels the more dilated

these are the stronger your erections willbe. oh and babe.. also take the white part ofthe watermelon. it has amazing nutrients. so let’s put it in the blender.. now add your beetroot.. i know beetroot might not be everybodies favoritebut this little bundle of joy is amongst the worlds elite superfoods. and for good reason.beetroot juice increases your red blood cells which enables a better flow of oxygen throughoutyour body and especially your penis. and yep this leads to better erections and even betterorgasms. okay now let’s squeeze in a lime.. . forthose who know me you know that i love these

little balls of superpowers. limes.. improve sperm count, sperm health and motility. this is due to its vast vitaminc content which also boosts your bedtime performance. and on top of that it improves your mood,decreases stress and helps you to better focus. now all you gotta do is add one pinch of cayennepepper and one teaspoon of maca powder. cayenne pepper improves the flow of oxygen-richblood to all parts of your body. and an improved circulation tremendously helps to upgradeyour libido and sexual activity. and maca.. well that baby has become quitea superfood celebrity during the last years. and i mean for good reason. maca is rich in18 amino acids, trace minerals, vitamins,

proteins, and other nutrients.. which i can’teven spell.. but it s a lot. anyways all you gotta know is that maca has been used forhundreds of years in ancient cultures to enhance sexual desire and treat impotence. that’s it. now if you want some extra power sprinklesome pumpkin seeds on top of your drink. i like to cut them super small. pumpkin seedsare super high in zinc which helps big time for your testosterone production and prostatehealth. so there you have it.. my superman smoothierecipe. :) i hope you enjoy it. and don’t forget.. diet is just one partto a healthy and happy penis, if you want

all my secrets and a complete program withprecise exercises to heal impotence, erectile dysfunction and boost your masculine powerthen check out my upcoming penis empowerment course. until then.. much much love to you, stay strongand see you next time. and if you want to empower yourself even morecheck out these little videos of mine. and maybe you even wanna subscribe :)


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