watermelon viagra

in today's video we will learn how to make watermelon lemonade. ingredients required are: 1 kg watermelon. 3-4 lemons. 4-5 tablespoons sugar. to start with, first cut the watermelon in small pieces.

watermelon viagra

watermelon viagra, to cut the watermelon properly first cut it into slices of 1 to 1.5 inches thickness. take out only the pink flesh of watermelon and not the white part of the rind. now cut the pink part into small wedges. now take out the juice of lemons and keep it ready to use.

be careful to remove all the seeds of the lemon or it will bitter the taste of our lemonade. now combine all the ingredients in the blender jar and blend it into fine paste. now strain the mixture through a sieve. this is an important step to follow or the texture of the lemonade will that be of a smoothie. discard what is left in the sieve. you may now add water to adjust the taste of the lemonade. watermelon lemonade is ready to be served. garnish the glass with watermelon or lemon wedges. you may also put some ice cubes before serving. please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel.


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